Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas to Me!

Ask and you shall receive.  We received Griffin's December well baby check today!  I was excited and really needed to hear some news about my son.  This wait is turning out to be much more difficult for me that I originally anticipated.  To be honest, I'm struggling to "bond" with this little person that I've never met and have very little information about.  I WANT to know him better and feel closer to him.  I knew getting new information would change that and it did.  I teared up as I read through his WBC.  Here's the low down.  He hasn't gained much wait, still in the >10% for height, weight, and head circumference.  But he's creeping (not yet crawling), saying single syllables, and he's repeating sounds.  He can say 'omma' which means momma!  How amazing is that?!  He's also doing all the gross and fine motor skills that he should be and is right on target developmentally.  Yay!  Good job buddy!

We also received our 'Notice of Action' for our I600 which is great.  Good to know they received it.  Now they just need to hurry up and process and approve it.  We sent our I600 to the USCIS last week with our legals. 

I600, Petition to Classify Orphan as Immediate Relative
Purpose of Form :  To classify an alien orphan who either is, or will be, adopted by a U.S. citizen as an immediate relative of the U.S. citizen to allow the child to enter the United States. The petition is filed by the U.S. citizen who is adopting the child.

I really needed this news today.  But there was one thing in the WBC that was a little worrisome.  Griffin is apparently wheezing.  Alright, foster mother, time to keep that baby boy at home and let him get well.  And I'm going to pray because that's all I can do.  Get better sweet boy.


  1. YAH for WBC's!!! See? Feel you need, and ye shall receive! Our last 2 WBC's said wheezing on our little guy too. Our IAP said it's probably just a minor cold, because they didn't mention needing any kind of follow up. Don't worry April, little Griffin is in good hands! So glad you got an update, makes the world of difference. So happy for ya! Hang in there! ;)

  2. YAY! So glad you got a report on little Griffin!!!!! I will keep him in my prayers & you too momma! I am sure he's in excellent hands and will feel better soon. I'm so thrilled for you, Blake & Kinley :)

  3. Yay! So glad you got this info! Prayers!

  4. You are amazing and your story is amazing! :)
    I just spent like an hour and a half reading back through all your old entries. I'd love to e-mail a bit about this whole thing... So glad Melissa showed me your blog!
    Sarah (Mrs.H on DS)

  5. Girl, your timeline is on FIRE! So fast! Griffin will be home before you know it!
