Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Christmas was SO MUCH FUN this year!  Every year gets better and better as Kinley gets older and starts to 'get it.'  Next year will be even better with two kiddos in the house.  But, seriously, two kids...twice the toys.  I honestly can't imagine.  Kinley got an unbelievable amount of stuff this year and it's going to be even crazier next year!  Can't wait!

Here's the rundown.  Kinley woke up with a fever Thursday morning (the 23rd) and we were all packed up and ready to head to my parents so we could spend Christmas Eve at my grandparents' house with the fam.  We decided to give her some Motrin and see  how she did.  After a nap, some nuggets, and a reduction in her fever we decided to head out.  Kinley loves being at my parents' house and I knew she would be just as comfortable there than at our house.  We let Kinley watch movies all day and kept rotating Motrin and Tylenol.  She was pretty miserable.  The next day was Christmas Eve and we have always (except two times since I've been married) gathered at my grandlparents' house for a huge, delicious feast and gift opening.  I love this tradition and it means a lot to me.  I hate missing it which is the only reason I had my sick kid out and about.  Kinley got lots of goodies!  I mean LOTS!

Kinley loves Aunt Linda!

"Look what I got!"

She loves this inch worm riding toy.

Top 5 favorite toys of Christmas 2010 (and that's saying something)!
She can rock the guitar!

After the mess was cleaned up and we said our goodbyes, we started the 2hr and 15 minute drive back home so Kinley could be at her house when she woke up Christmas morning.  Kinley's fever went back up and she must have been aching all over because she squirmed in her car seat for two hours and fell asleep right before we got home.  At 11:00 PM!  Poor girl was so tired Christmas morning but she pressed on.

My little pony and stickers from her stocking.

Kinley loves Miss Spider which is pretty cool since it's about an adoptive family.

What is this?

Not a very good picture but this is usually how she plays her guitar cuz that's how she rolls.

So this is what it is!  I love it!

Christmas morning with just the three of us was wonderful but I was really excited to be hosting Christmas lunch.  My mom, dad, brother, and his girlfriend arrived at about 11:00 and we ate at about 12:15ish.  I made everything all by myself, which I'm pretty proud of.  The menu was ham, my famous (ha!) mashed potatoes, corn, broccoli and rice casserole, mandarin orange and almond salad, deviled eggs, and rolls.  Yum!  I thought everything was pretty good!  Then to the good stuff, gift unwrapping!

Princess house shoes.

She loves ALL her instruments!  Thanks grandma and grandpa!

My very handsome little brother and his gorgeous girlfriend.

Such a happy girl!

What mom?  I'm just feeding my baby.

Kinley and Grandma reading books before nap.  And yes, Kinley is still in her pajamas.

By the way, my mom purchased Kinley's hat and some bows from a fellow adoptive mom's Etsy store. We love everything we got and the prices are amazing! You can check it out here.

The day after Christmas we traveled to eastern Oklahoma to spend the day with Blake's parents and his brother's family.  Brooklyn (our niece), Boston (our nephew), and Kinley had lots of fun playing an elephant game.  I wish I had a picture of the game but I forgot my camera that day.  Anyway, it was nice to see everyone and Kinley got LOTS of wonderful gifts AGAIN!  The grandparents really overdid it this year.  It's what grandparents do.  I get it.  And we love them!
Christmas was almost perfect.  Even though it was pretty much impossible, we would have loved to have Griffin home for Christmas.  I hate that I missed his first Christmas but I know in my heart that he is right where he needs to be right now.  I have faith that he'll be home soon enough. 


  1. Love the pictures! Kinley is such a cutie! Looks like you all had a very Merry Christmas! And next Christmas will be even better! ;)

  2. LOVE the pics! Kinley is such a beautiful little girl! Looks like she had a great Christmas!
