Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I received a very special package in the mail yesterday.  A new friend from the Holt adoption forum I'm apart of sent me a beautiful Christmas ornament that she made.  It's very special to me because it will always remind me of her and her sweet Aiden and the Christmas we were waiting for Griffin to come home.  I feel very blessed to have found the Holt Korea forum.  I have 'met' so many amazing women who are supportive, encouraging, sweet, and very knowledgeable about the adoption process.  I would be so lost without those women.  I'm not exaggerating.  If I have a question, they have an answer.  I really should be paying them for all the advice they've given me.

I love it!!!  Thank you so much Leah!


  1. April...I have one too! I just love it!!! I am going to hang it in Miles's room after Christmas...a constant reminder of the friendships we are all making~ I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!!! Oh...and our timelines are spot on....I so hope we get to travel at the same time!!! That would be so wonderful!!!!

  2. You are so welcome April! It really does warm my heart to know they are our reminders of our Christmas before our babies came home. And I would absolutely love to be in Seoul with ALL of you mamas! :) Lots of love... Can't wait till 2011~!

  3. Love that! And what a wonderful significance as well
