Monday, May 9, 2011

Korea {Days 3 through 97, it was starting to feel that way}

I have started this post two other times but couldn't finish because I couldn't find the appropriate words to describe the day we got Griffin.  Our meeting with Griffin and his foster family was incredible.  Better than I ever imagined.  Our first surprise was that even though we were early, the foster family beat us there.  I expected to be waiting in the meeting room and in would walk my boy but it was the other way around.  We walked in and I almost lost it.  I know my face contorted in an almost ugly cry but I kept it together.  The second (and best) surprise was that Griffin's two foster sisters took off work to be there.  I was floored!  And so happy that we got to meet them.  I could tell they love Griffin so much.

We talked a bit and Griffin was such a little ham the entire time.  Laughing and smiling at all of us.  He really put on a show.  Actually, we've discovered that's just his personality.  So sweet and funny.  Then we exchanged gifts, and I think they really loved theirs.  It didn't feel like enough.  Nothing I said or could give them felt like enough.  They were so wonderful.  And DJ, the social worker!  Probably the coolest chick, EVER!  I love her!  She matched us with Griffin and I believe it's a perfect match.

Griffin got a quick check from the doctor downstairs then it was time to say goodbye to the foster family.  Wow.  That was definitely one of the most difficult things I've ever done.  The foster mother and both sisters were crying and saying goodbye to Griffin.  I put him in the carrier and stood to leave and they began sobbing.  I know they loved him so much.  I asked if I could hug them and then didn't really wait for an answer.  I had to put my arms around the three women who had taken care of my boy the first year of his life.  And then we walked out the door.  My heart hurts just thinking about it.

Griffin didn't cry and then fell asleep in the cab.  He slept about an hour and then woke up and cried the rest of the night.  He slept through the night and was good the next morning but every night after dinner the grieving would start and he'd cry until bedtime.  He was a great sleeper in Seoul.  So cuddly and sweet.  And wild!  He flips and flops and spins in bed all. night. long.  I love it though.

The rest of the week is a blur.  We met up with new friends at Seoul Tower, shopped, played at the hotel, visited the Korean War Museum with the same new friends, shopped, visited another palace, and shopped again.  I'm serious about the shopping.  Just ask Blake.  He loved it.  NOT!  But really, I did more shopping than buying.  I loved walking the streets of Insadong and wondering in and out of the tiny little shops.  Pure bliss.

We left Seoul Friday evening.  It was sad.  Griffin was losing/is losing so much.  A loving foster family, a beautiful city, a magical culture.  I felt the loss for him.

Griffin slept 9 of the 12 hours on the flight from Seoul to Chicago.  He played and ate the rest of the time.  This guy was AWESOME!  I was dreading the long day of travel but it was so much better than the travel day to Seoul.  He then slept the two hours from Chicago to OKC.  He was perfect!

OK!!! Here's what you came for.  Lots and lots and lots of pictures.  Enjoy!


  1. oh my, he takes my breath away!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love this post! Ditto on the shopping in Insadong, loved that place! I'm kind of homesick for Seoul, it WAS such a magical place. Griffin is such a cutie pie! Congrats April and family! :)

  3. I have tears rolling down my cheeks!! He is so precious and what an amazing week you had! You're right- I don't know how you can put that experience into words, but you did a great job! Thank you for sharing this journey with us! I can't wait to see more pictures of Griffin with his forever family!!!

  4. Tears! Wow -- amazing post and fantastic pictures. Captures your journey so well. He's super handsome and cute. I am so happy for you all.

  5. Yay- I've been waiting for this post. So glad he was home in time for his birthday too. Sounds like we will be in the same boat, and for that I am happy. Also sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Love all the pictures!

  6. I am just catching up on your blog!! OH my gosh...he is the most adorable guy ever!! So happy that things seem to be going well, one day at a have a beautiful family...sleep deprived and all, it's very "IN" now, the sleep deprived look...I've been sporting the look for 9 months now!!
    Congratulations!! Wasn't it amazing meeting the foster family??
    Best Wishes...

  7. Congratulations! Griffin is so adorable. I loved all the photos. :o) SO happy for you!

  8. Somehow I missed your whole trip to Seoul! Glad that it went well. That final goodbye with the foster family is SO tough.

    How great that he slept on the plan ride home!
