Monday, May 9, 2011

1st Birthday!!!

Today is Griffin’s first birthday, and despite being sleep deprived we had a wonderful day. I feel so blessed to be able to celebrate Griffin’s first birthday with him. There were times I didn’t think he would be home in time. But he’s here and we definitely celebrated!

We didn’t have a great night last night so little man wasn’t his usual, happy self this morning. I knew I had to let him sleep today. So I did. And he did. Poor guy took a five hour nap. I know I’ll probably regret it tonight at 3 am, but I just couldn’t wake him on his birthday. Actually, I did have to wake him up but it was after he had slept 5 hours and I was starting to miss him.

When he woke up we all got ready and ran to the grocery store. We decided last minute to cook some steaks and mashed potatoes. So we grabbed everything we needed at the store, including cupcakes and heading home. Blake grilled, I cooked, and we all ate. It was delish. Griffin was starting to melt time and was falling asleep at the table so we decided it was time for his cupcake. We lit the candle and sang happy birthday as Griffin tried to grab the flame. Such a boy!

And then the fun began! That boy loved him some chocolate cupcake. He was so tired he whined through most of it but never stopped eating. It was hysterical!

We got him cleaned up and went outside to play for a while. I wasn’t quite ready for him to go to bed. It was still a little early. So we had some fun playing in the grass and taking some pictures. He started letting us know it was time for bed but I had one more thing I wanted to do. He had to try on his hanbok! He didn’t like it. Or maybe it was just the exhaustion. Either way, it made for some cute photos. Enjoy!

Griffin, we love you so much and are beyond happy to finally have you home. You fit right in with us and are such a sweet joy in our lives. Here’s to many more wonderful birthdays! Love you, buddy!


  1. So sweet April! Love this! :)

  2. Happy brthday!
    We are minister's family of Sinyung church in Seoul.
    Thank you for looking these photos.
    we are so happy because Griffin's family look so happy.

  3. These pictures are adorable! What a special birthday! It is so wonderful to see him fitting in so beautifully with your family! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRIFFIN!!!!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRIFFIN! So much to celebrate! Great to see you all with him. Happy Days!

  5. Happy Birthday Griffin! Today was my Jackson's 3rd Bday too! He is adorable, so glad to see him home with you and looking so happy!!
