Monday, May 16, 2011

How's It Going?

Everyone keeps asking how it's going for's great, actually!  Griffin has adjusted better than I could have imagined.  I know we still have a lot of work with attachment and sleeping arrangements, but so far so good.  I have so much to are some thoughts.

Griffin started saying "dadadadada" yesterday, May 15.  Blake is a proud papa!

Kinley will one day be an amazing big sister.  Right now things are rough, but they've already hugged and kissed so I think we're doing pretty good.

My little boy can eat!  He will eat anything and everything!  Makes my life so much easier.  I already have one picky eater.  I don't need another.

My little boy can make a mess.  Wow.  Kinley was not a mess maker.  She didn't get into cabinets and she didn't scatter stuff from one room to the next.  Griffin is a little tornado.  For reals!  I have seen Kinley clean up after him several times.

I love my little man so much, already.  And I know my love will grow stronger every day. 

I'm pretty sure I will never have time to workout again.

I love sleeping on the mattress on the floor of Griffin's room with him.  I NEVER saw myself as a co-sleeper.  Um, no.  I don't even like Blake's leg touching me in our king size bed.  I also never thought it was healthy to have a baby in bed with you.  My mind has changed, a little.  I love his snuggles.  He'll roll over with his back to me and throw his arm back to check and see if I'm there.  He's a crazy sleeper, but I'm getting used to it.  I'm hoping to make the transition to his crib...but I'm in no hurry.

Griffin loves his bath!  And he's so fun and wild in the bath tub, he's already busted his lip open. 

He's stubborn.

He's very affectionate.

When Blake walks away from him and Griffin wants him to come back, he will scream at Blake.  I mean SCREAM.  Clinch his fists and let him have it!  I think it's hilarious.

Totally still a daddy's boy.  I'm not worried.  He'll be a momma's boy soon enough.

He was scared of our dogs at first, but he's warming up to them now.

I have always kept a journal for Kinley, but I'm not sure I'll be able to for Griffin.  I'm sorry, buddy.  It's a second child thing.  I promise to try...

A friend came over to meet Griffin (the only person we've let come visit) and Griffin waved bye bye to him when he was leaving.  First bye bye ever (May 12)!  Even on his well baby checks it never said he waved.  Yay for firsts!!!

He's not walking yet, and I don't see it happening for a few more months.  Totally fine with that!

After a few bad nights, he is officially sleeping through the night.  We put him to bed about 9 and he will wake a few times crying between then and about 11 or 12.  But once I get in bed with him he sleeps all night.  I'm pretty sure he's grieving.

And my favorite pics from the last week...


  1. So in all our moving and chaos, I have finally had a chance to catch up on your blog...
    I am crying all kinds of tears for your family... the story of "seeing" him for the first time.... for Kinley and how her world must seem so weird right now... for you and Blake and all the joy and sadness and adjustment you've so beautifully documented and accepted as part of your life... it's very heart filling and overwhelming and .... beautiful.

  2. April,
    I cannot tell you how PRECIOUS and ADORABLE he is!! I have showed your blog to several people, he is a DOLL! I know you are so proud!

    I want a baby Griffin (girly version to go with my two boys!) Pray for us as we begin our process soon. I'm praying its sooner rather than later:)

  3. I love the new pics! So precious - you're doing a great job of documenting this time in your lives. :)

  4. OMGosh I love your pictures! Especially the one with them behind the curtains! So sweet! Looks like you all are doing great! We've had a "transition" too. So different with little boys isn't it?! Best of luck to your adorable family April! :)

  5. Ok, so Griffin and Aiden (Leah's baby boy) totally have stolen my heart!!! He is sooooo cute! How special that you all were able to celebrate his first birthday with him. So glad he is doing great! Our little asian angel is too.

  6. April! So happy that things are going wonderfully! Love your pictures! I especially like the one where they are behind the curtains looking out the window. I agree, co-sleeping on the floor really isn't that bad when you get to wake up to your sweet babies smiles!
