Wednesday, November 9, 2011

18 months

Griffin is 18 months old today!  How did that happen?  It's amazing to me how much my little man has changed in the six months he's been home.  He's sweeter (if that's even possible!).  He's happier.  He speaks English! :) He's really settled into our family perfectly.  He's the yin to Kinley's yang.  Oh my, those two are SO different!  Griffin eats like a champ.  Kinley is super picky.  Kinley is my awesome sleeper, and I had to work hard to get Griffin on a good nap schedule.  Pretty sure he could do without a nap but his mama NEEDS him to give her a break during the day.  Kinley is super laid back and minds really well, while Griffin has a hot, little temper and is constantly testing boundaries.  Kinley loves to watch TV, but Griffin has no interest.  I could go on and on about their differences, but one this is for sure.  They love each other and they love to irritate each other.  Such a typical brother/sister relationship.

At 18 months, Griffin is saying lots of words.  No sentences yet but he'll repeat just about anything I tell him to say.  He is running!  He's been running for a month or two but is finally getting to where he can do it without bouncing off of and running into stuff.  Actually he still kind of does that and we love it and think it's hilarious.  He had his 18 month well check today and he's 31 3/4 inches and 24 lbs 8 oz.  The doc said he's growing just "perfectly" and is in the 25-50th percentile.  That's my boy!

I know I say it every time I talk about Griff, but I love that kid more and more every day.  He is so sweet and funny and cuddly and precious.  Eeek!  Just talking about him makes me want to walk upstairs, pick him up out of bed, and kiss his sweet cheeks.  Ok, maybe I don't really want to wake him up but I'll definitely save those kisses for the morning. 

Happy 18 months baby boy!  I love you so much!!!


  1. Awwww.... love this post! Could've said the exact same things about my A. Happy 18 months Grif! :)

  2. I love, love, love the 18 month stage. Camden was so fun at that age, and Rory arrived home at 17 months so full of personality that it's always been one of my favorites.
