Friday, September 3, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

Facts about South Korean Culture

~The eldest in the house is considered the most wise, and therefore makes most of the important decisions.
~When you enter a South Korean home, the first thing you do is remove your shoes.
~When the first night of the new year comes everybody hides their shoes.  This is because there is a belief that a ghost will come down and try on everyone's shoes.  If the ghost finds a pair it likes it will take it.  It is thought that the owner of the shoes will then have bad luck for the whole year.
~Korean architecture is influenced by China.
~The martial art 'Tae kwon do' originated in Korea.

This is the South Korean flag

I received our Korea monthly update from our adoption agency, Holt, and they are now quoting the total wait time for boys at 6 months.  We chose not to request the gender of our baby so more than likely we will get a son.  Six months isn't bad...I just hope it holds up.

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