Wednesday, November 10, 2010

While We Wait

While we wait for our referral I've been doing lots of looking.  Lots and lots of internet searches for all things boys.  Crib bedding, clothes, shoes, all of it.  It's been a lot of fun!  For those of you that know me well, you know that I'm pretty much a tom-boy.  I do love to shop and dress nice (baby debt makes that tough) but when it comes to all the girly pink, uh, I can pass.  All the pink stuff was not my favorite part of having Kinley.  I'm SO glad I have a girl (Kinley and I painted our fingernails blue today!  Can't do that with a boy.), but I dress her in red, blue, green, purple, and every other color that isn't pink as often as possible.  I'm just not a girly girl.  Anyway, it's been really fun checking out all the boy stuff.  Here are some of my favorite things.

So, this is the bedding I love.  Seriously, I'm IN LOVE with it.  I've looked at every other bedding set out there.  I've looked at fabric to try to put together something similar.  Nope.  I'm in love.  What is the problem, you ask?  $360 for four pieces is the problem!!!  I just can't do it.  I mean I can, but it would make me sick to spend that much money on four pieces of bedding.  Whatever.  Maybe I'll win the lottery.  Moving on.

How cool is this surplus jacket?!  My guy is going to look cute in this!  

Eat your heart out!  Haha!  Love the tie!

Simple and cool.

One of my faves.

So soft and comfy.

All Star?  I think yes.

I just can't wait!

{Thanks G@p, Old N@vy, and Dw3ll $tudio}


  1. I LOVE all the pictures!! I'm a tom-boy too! I grew up on a farm with cows and chickens - yes I did! When we had our daughter Taylor 9 years ago, her room was green and her bedding set was green and yellow. I told everyone NOT to buy PINK!

    We are waiting on our son too, and I'm also loving the boy's stuff! Lovin' your post, so close to my heart! :) Congrats to your family!

  2. Hi-
    I know that Dwell Studio bedding well---because I've looked at it a million times too! I love owls so this is perfect! How about just getting the crib sheets? They're pretty decent in price..that way you can get some of what you want!

    Best of luck waiting! and I hope you get a referral soon!

  3. Oh my!!! Yes....I am a tom-boy too! I have a couple of go-to baseball hats that I wear...whenever I can! Especially on the weekends. Love the bedding! I agree..that price is a bit high...but I have been checking the internet too...and I just can't do a theme type of room, "bears, winnie the pooh, etc". I am going with a travel theme...I have a nice world map and a map of S. Korea that I got framed at Hobby Lobby. Yeah...cost about as much as that bedding that you love! Oh is for my baby. And I thought that when I change his room as he gets older, I can hang them in other parts of the house. If you want to try and get some pieces at a cheaper price maybe in a solid...try Carousel Designs...they have some resonable prices. Hope you get your referral soon! Than maybe be can travel together!!!

  4. CJ-It's funny that you mentioned the world map. A Korea/world theme is what I *think* I've decided on. I was looking for a map of the world for my daughter so we could start talking about where little brother will be coming from. We shall see...I've got some time. Nothing but time right?!

  5. I'm having fun with boy stuff too, after 3 little girls. Enjoy shopping!!
