Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stay-at-Home Saturday

My absolute favorite.   Especially in the fall.  When it's cloudy.  And cool.  And football is on ALL DAY LONG.

I love it.

We've had a super busy and sleep deprived week so a Saturday at home is just what this girl needed. 

I'm starting to get a little antsy about the wait.  I thought I would feel better after our home study was sent to Korea because I would have my part done.  Out of my hands.  I've done what I can.  Uh, no.  Now we have to worry about our I-600A and getting fingerprints.  We sent in the I-600A on Tuesday and now we're just waiting to hear that they've received it and to find out when our fingerprint appointment is.

I-600A:  Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition
For adjudicating the qualifications of the applicant(s) as prospective adoptive parents. Filing this form will generally speed up the part of the processing relating to the qualifications of the prospective adoptive parent petitioner(s).

All of these paperwork steps to bring our child home have to be sent and received and processed and approved and sent again and received again.  So complicated.  And so stressful.  I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose it before this is all over.

No bueno.

1 comment:

  1. I find it harder sometimes waiting on someone else's clock. I worry they aren't expediting it. It's the loss of control that I find I struggle to deal with.

    Don't worry you'll be okay b/c you are such a strong woman & in the end all of this will be so worth it! Hang in there girl, I'm praying for you guys!
