Saturday, July 23, 2011


So........sorry about that.  It's been over a month since I've posted anything.  I've thought about blogging almost every day, but just didn't want to.  I think I needed a little break.  Life has be CA-RAZY!  And so much has happened for us and with sweet Griffin.  He is WALKING!  He's been walking almost two weeks now, and except for a little (BIG) mishap with the bathtub that led to an impressive black eye, he is doing amazing!  When he first started working he would help himself balance by putting his hands over his head.  Blake called him our little orangutan.

Yup, kind of like that.  Except, of course, Griffin is much cuter.  Anyway, it was a big deal when he started walking with his arms by his side.  He's still a little wobbly and will be for a while, but he thinks he is so cool now that he can walk.  He's very proud of himself and his momma and daddy are very proud, too.

Here are a few more tid bits about Griffin...

He loves to laugh and to make other people laugh.  And fake laughing is kind of his thing.  If the adults in the room all laugh Griffin with laugh along with everyone else.  Like he gets the joke.

He eats EVERYTHING.  Except green beans.  Makes my life so easy.

He has a temper.

He gives wonderful hugs and kisses and knows the difference when I ask for one or the other.

He recently became enamored with the ceiling fan.  When I ask where it is he will point at it and make his little hand go round and round.

He gets really excited when I ask him if he wants some milk.

He loves to play outside and be in the water.

After vomiting a tiny bit his first time on our new trampoline, he now loves to play on it with the sprinkler underneath.

His favorite song that I sing to him is "Jesus Loves Me."

He can entertain himself and play alone for a long time.  Don't worry.  I don't let him play alone for too long.  I don't want him getting too independent of me...not yet.

He loves his sister.  Even though she takes things from him and he bugs her.  They're pretty typical brother and sister.

I've gotten him to say momma several times.  He just smiles and giggles when he says it because he knows I love it.

He just recently started turning his head away from me when I'm telling him no or taking something away from him.  He'll stand his ground but twist his little neck as far as it'll go away from me.  So funny!

When we tell him to growl, he will.

He can destroy a room faster than two adults ever could.  Sigh....

Blake has a donut buddy!!!  We occasionally do a Saturday morning donut breakfast and this morning Griffin took down some donut holes.

He watched a cartoon yesterday for about two minutes.  It was a new record.

He's still a daddy's boy, but I'm confident I will win him over.

He has six teeth now.  Four on top and two on bottom.

He is always carrying something around.  Usually a plastic spoon or fork from Kinley's play kitchen.

He fits so wonderfully into our family!  He's a sweet, cuddly, funny, loving, ornery, precious, handsome, little guy.  We just love him!

I'll leave you with a couple pics and a promise to update more often.  Pinky swear!


  1. Love this post!! I know exactly how you feel! ;)

  2. He's adorable, and your family looks so happy!!

    It's amazing the leaps-and-bounds things they learn around that age isn't it?

    Keep posting it's good to "hear" from you!

  3. So glad to see you post! And so happy that Griffin is doing so good! Awesome on the walking!!!! Go Griffin!!!!

  4. Just found your blog - your little guy is so stinkin' adorable! What a beautiful family. :)
