Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer at a Glance

So we're waiting for a package to come in the mail from our home study agency so we can start the madness that is the paperwork.  I'm very anxious...I've been out to the mailbox twice now already and nothing.  I will try again soon.  Also, I'm getting organized!!!  Which makes me very happy because at this point there isn't much for me to do, but that won't last long.  My organizing has consisted of me buying a folder holder :)  and some hanging file folders.  I've made files for all the different paperwork we'll be gathering.  Copy of application to Holt, birth certificates, marriage license, proof of everything, medical checklist, and all the I forms...I-600, I-600A, I-824, I-864, I-800A, etc.  Long story short, I feel better.  Like I've done something to get this process going even though my organizing means nothing in the big scheme of things except maybe this gives me a chance to stay sane through this process.  So, we wait.

And while we wait...Summer at a glance!

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