Monday, April 4, 2011

Progress Report

We received a new, very detailed progress report on little man today.  I was so excited to see that it was more than the average well baby check.  The report we got today allowed us to get a small glimpse of Griffin's precious personality.

The report is dated 2-11-2011 so this info is a couple months old.  He is crawling and standing alone for more than 10 seconds.  He opens drawers, takes things out, and "messes around."  LOL!  Bangs toys together or on the floor.  Plays peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.  When he's happy he giggles and when he's playing he laughs loudly.  I can't wait to hear his laugh.  Babbles a lot.  When he hears music or the foster mom sings songs, he moves his body back and forth, dances, and claps.  He's eating vegetables (carrots, potatoes, and onions) mixed with rice gruel.  He likes apples and pears pressed out in a juicer.  For snacks, he eats cookies, sponge cake, baby food, cheese, steamed sweet potatoes, potatoes, and yogurt.  He sounds like a great eater, possibly better than his big sister.  And just in case you're wondering, he has one well digested bowl movement a day.  Hahahahaha!

He goes to bed late and gets up late, 11ish pm to 9ish am.  He's napping 2-3 times a day and will sleep longer if the foster mom is holding him.  He doesn't sound spoiled at all!!!  Griffin sleeps well only if the room is quiet and dark and wakes up at soft noises.  "During sleep, checks if he is with the foster mother."  This is going to be tough when he gets home.  Looks like we'll be doing some co-sleeping on the mattress in his room. 

Here's the best part:  "If the foster mother says 'Hyeon-wu!  Do something cute!' he purses his lips and winks."  Oh my goodness!!!  I NEED to see this for myself.  What a little charmer!  =)

What I loved most about this report is getting a sense of how well he's being taken care of and how much he is loved.  He's in such caring, loving hands....I'm not worried about him at all.  I want him home because he's my son and I love him, but I know he's just fine where he is right now.


  1. Oh this just melts my heart! What a wonderful update! What a blessing for you to see this small glimpse into his life. He sounds like he is going to be quite a charmer!!!

  2. Omgosh April, your guy sounds like he has such a fun personality. Soon, very soon, you will be experiencing it first hand. :)

  3. Oh, that is the cutest thing EVER!! Can't wait to see him in your arms! And I'm very jealous of your progress report;)

  4. That was a great update! He sounds like he will be a perfect addition to any family. I agree- that sleeping issue does not sound fun. That's what I'm dreading the most. Hope your TC comes next week!
