Friday, March 11, 2011

Well Baby Check and Movement

We received Griffin's 10 month well baby check today.  I wasn't expecting it until next week so it was a lovely surprise.  Our little guy is growing and getting big.  He now has 2 bottom teeth (first teeth!) and is standing on his own.  This one is bitter sweet.  I want nothing more than for Griffin to develop and grow as he should, but I'm missing so much.  And a baby's first steps are so special.  The way it's looking he'll probably be walking before we get to Korea, and that's ok.  I'm happy he's doing so well.  Pretty amazing for a 30 week, not quite 4 pounds preemie!

In other adoption news, the EP batch that was ahead of us was approved on Tuesday.  This is wonderful news!  It's our turn.  We're next!  I pray we don't wait as long as the last batch did, 5 weeks and 2 days.  As of today, we've been waiting 3 weeks.  I'm praying for an EP surprise next week!  Travel calls are coming about 4 weeks after EP approval, so we've still got a bit of a wait.  But we're closer than ever before!


  1. Oh how exciting April! You're sooooo close! I can't wait to get updated reports from our little one too! Adelyn just turned seven months a few days ago... it is sooo hard to see those milestones pass by when they are there and we are here. Hang in there, soon you will never miss another milestone!! He will be there in your arms!!

  2. Praying for those EP approvals! :)

  3. AHHH!! So close... SO CLOSE!!

    We will be in Wichita April 17... you know... in case you need some pics! :)

  4. Found your blog and I wanted to say CONGRATS! He is really really cute:) I know you just can't wait to have him home.

    My friend just came home with her little girl Friday and the homecoming was AWESOME! You'll have to check out my latest post.

    My husband and I are prayerfully considering adoption for our next child, it's exciting and scary at the same time, but I can't wait!! I'll be following your journey to Griffin!!


  5. So close! Can't wait to hear about your TC!

  6. that's great that he is doing well. I understand about it being bittersweet though. Hoping this next batch goes quicker, the almost 6 week wait was tough for us!
