Saturday, March 5, 2011

Going for Simplicity

So I haven't been blogging much but I've been super busy.  I sort of went into overdrive this week getting Griffin's room ready.  I had been putting off painting his letters for his name and some frames for one of the walls in his room, so I decided it was just time to git er done!  Wow.  Did I really just type that?  Moving on....

I knew from the beginning that simplicity was what I was going for with Griffin's room.  Cool colors.  Modern.  Simple.  So, I gradually started putting the pieces together.  First some sheets and blankets I liked.  Then a super cool wall hanging to match.  Then I decided I wanted a wall of pictures from our trip and of Griffin and his foster family.  I want Seoul and his foster family to always be in site.  So, I bought the letters and some cheap frames and got to painting.  Lots of painting.  I won't mention the fact that I painted everything blue that I wanted to, hung his name on the wall, and then decided I didn't like the color.  I ended up mixing colors and got exactly what I wanted.  It was fun and kept me busy.  Here are a few pics.  Warning:  I'm not a photographer.  Duh.  And the pictures don't do it justice. 

Still need a crib skirt but my mom is working on that.
No bumpers needed since he'll be almost one when we bring him home,
and the last thing I need is him using them to climb out a la Kinley.

I threw in some orange frames because the second set of sheets has all the
same colors as the first, plus some orange.
Yes, that's a modem on his changing table and no, we're not going to pay
someone to put a hole in the wall of another room.  It's staying.

Love this! 
I hope I can teach him all those things.

I'm pretty much done with everything.  We have a black chair in his room that I think I'm going to paint orange.  That will be fun!

I think Griffin is gonna love it!


  1. I love the colors you used! It makes the room look very happy! Hope the 1/31 EP batch is approved this week so they can get moving for you guys!!!

  2. LOVE the room! It looks fabulous!!!! Griffin will love it & I love the use of orange. It so nicely adds just the right thing. :)

  3. Love it!!!! Love the picture frame idea!!!!

  4. Cute, LOVE your colors. Especially the orange. I am a orange freak and I am trying to figure out how to incorporate it into a girls nursery.

  5. Great room! Love the colors. :)

  6. Love his room! Great colors, amazing poster, and the modem just blends right in! That definitely made me giggle! :)

    That wall of picture frames is fantastic! I've been scoping out frames lately but I hadn't thought of painting some - you're so smart! :)
