Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cause and Effect

This is why Koreans are so thin.
And why I lost 4 pounds in the 6 days we were in Seoul.

And this is why I gained it all back.


  1. Isn't the whole adoption process cause and effect? CAUSE: stressed about waiting for referral/EFFECT: eat bowl of ice cream. CAUSE: stressed about EP/EFFECT: eat more ice cream! CAUSE: stressed about waiting for travel call/EFFECT: hmmm... more ice cream? I see a theme here!!!!

  2. Awesome post! I've been told that I will not gain weight in Korea but I'm still a bit doubtful. ;) But I know if I do, I will gain it back once we hit the first couple of sleepless nights. Of course with the whole SWS EP thing and moving - I've gained 5 lbs in 3 weeks! Huzzah! ;)

  3. LOL I did the same thing! I had lost 5 lbs while in Korea! And I totally see Hardcorescrapper's point! So true! :)

  4. what is your pinterest id/name? isn't it sooooo addictive!

    hope you are enjoying your SWEET baby boy!
