Friday, October 8, 2010

Yesterday was a huge day for our family. First (and most important), my baby girl turned two yesterday! It was a really fun day that was full of her favorite things. I'll post more later (with pics) because I'm just too darn tired tonight. Second, our completed home study was sent to Holt in Oregon and hopefully they'll be forwarding that puppy on to Korea very soon! We were told that if we got our home study to them by the middle of November we would very likely have a referral by the end of the year. So Blake and I decided to make some guesses. He guessed that our referral would come on December 13 and I guessed December 17. What's your guess?

1 comment:

  1. I'll guess December 6 (my DD's birthday). Hoping for a referral around that time too (though according to our agency early 2011 referral is more likely). Thanks for sharing your blog. Thinking of you!
